Volunteer at a Warm Welcome Space

By joining your local Warm Welcome Space you'll help bring
the community closer together.

John Struthers smiling
“I’m excited to work at this warm space this winter because I’ve seen the change it has in people. I see how people come in through the door, new to the space, scowling, shoulders down. But being here for a few weeks, how they get lifted, meeting new people, sharing experiences.”
John Struthers, volunteer at Holy Trinity Church, Leytonstone sharing why being a volunteer is so rewarding
A man at a Warm Welcome SpaceChildren and all ages at a Warm Welcome Space

Volunteer Map

This map shows the Warm Welcome Spaces currently looking for Volunteers to help them serve people in their communities. Nothing showing in your area that interests you right now? Be sure to check back regularly to see the latest opportunities. In the meantime why not reach out to your local Rotary club to see what other volunteering opportunities they may have available in your community.

Running a warm space and want to be on the map? Find out how to opt in here

Warm Welcome Space Volunteers preparing food

Volunteering at a Warm Welcome Space is a brilliant way to enable a more deeply connected society where we all have free access to welcoming community spaces. You may have particular skills to offer your local Warm Welcome Space or simply be looking to try something different.

Volunteer Roles

There are a huge range of potential volunteer roles available in Warm Welcome Spaces so whatever time and talents you want to share there will be something for you. Opportunities to get involved could include:

Greeting and making people feel welcome
Chatting with and listening to them
Preparing or serving food
Creating and maintaining the Space
Running or supporting from behind the scenes
Signposting to other information and services

... and so many more!

Laying a table at a Warm Welcome Space
Rotary and Warm Welcome Logos

Rotary GB&I Warm Welcome Volunteer Partner

We are delighted to have Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland as Warm Welcome’s volunteer partner.

Rotary is one of the world’s leading voluntary humanitarian service organisations, whose members have been taking action to create lasting change for over 100 years.

Companies and Community Organisations Welcome!

Are you looking for a way that your employees or team members could get involved and support a local Warm Welcome Space?

Warm Welcome Group


Here are some important guidelines for Volunteers and Spaces, as well as what to expect if you reach out to a Warm Welcome Space.

Guidelines for Volunteers

Be open and up front about your likely availability and what kind of volunteering role might best suit you
Be prepared to provide identity check documents such as a copy of your passport or driving licence
Be prepared to sign a volunteer agreement and to do your best to honour it
Treat everyone you engage with as a Warm Welcome Volunteer with dignity and respect

Guidelines for Spaces

Get back to volunteering enquiries within one week of receiving them
Work with potential volunteers to draft and sign a volunteer agreement which makes clear what everyone can expect from the experience
Provide appropriate induction and training for volunteers
You should:
Adhere to best practice in regard to safeguarding at all times in relation to volunteers and must have a safeguarding policy in place
Have relevant health and safety procedures in place
Have appropriate insurance in place and meet the requirements set out in your policy
Check the Volunteer is who they say they are by doing a simple identity check e.g. copy of passport or driving licence
Have a clear complaints policy for volunteers in case something goes wrong (N.B neither the Warm Welcome Campaign nor Rotary GB&I is able to mediate any complaints or disputes related to volunteers)

What Happens Next?

Check the map above to see all the spaces near you that have requested volunteers. You can contact them directly through the map to arrange a conversation to discuss a possible volunteer role with you. If you haven’t heard from them after a week please email us and we will give them a nudge.

Tell Your Story

We love getting feedback from Volunteers at Warm Welcome Spaces, and hearing the stories of how they are serving and supporting their communities. Please share yours on our ‘Tell your story’ page