Here at 64 Million Artists, we are Creativity Champions seeking to spark the everyday creativity of everyone across the UK. Since 2014, we've been working to change how people feel about creativity. Creativity can help us go beyond the limits of old and traditional thoughts and patterns and open us up to new things and positive changes in our lives and the world around us. We do this by holding space for individuals and groups to explore their creativity through programmes, events, and our accessible and free year-round campaign for everyday creativity
Warm Welcome was co-created and built on partnership
The Warm Welcome Campaign brings together the network of Warm Welcome Spaces and a growing coalition of local, regional, and national partners representing the worlds of charity, faith, business, government, and philanthropy. Warm Welcome was co-created and built on partnership. Collaboration is at the heart of all we do, and Partners play a vital role in delivering Warm Welcome’s Strategy. Alongside ongoing engagement, partners have an open invitation to join our Monthly Partners Meeting. By working together, we can pool our experience and knowledge and bring this into the design and strategy for our work.

Would you like to partner with us?
If you would like to partner with Warm Welcome, we’d love to hear from you. Contact David Barclay:

Acts 435
Acts 435 is a free resource for churches and local charities, which directly helps individuals known to those settings with specific needs, such as a washing machine, a suit for an interview or gas and electricity top-ups. Churches and charities who are opening their doors to provide a Warm Welcome this winter will benefit from having Acts 435 in their toolbox to provide fast, financial help to those in poverty or facing crisis situations.
Benefact Trust
Benefact Trust exists to make a positive difference to people's lives by funding, guiding and celebrating the work of churches and Christian charities; empowering the most vulnerable and giving people, communities and places a renewed opportunity to flourish.

Better Housing Better Health
Better Housing Better Health (BHBH) is a not-for-profit service run by the National Energy Foundation, working to help residents living in or at risk of living in fuel poverty, to access advice and support. We’re a service that’s free of charge and open to all residents experiencing issues with keeping warm at home. We operate a helpline that’s free to call where our team can give valuable tips on how to stay warm at home, help to arrange free home energy visits, signpost for additional support and help to access grants for energy efficiency measures and energy bills. We also have items such as heated throws, low energy light bulbs, draft proofing etc that we can issue to those who need it. We understand the physical and mental effects of living in a cold home, and we feel it’s more important than ever to ensure everyone is living in a warm and happy household.

Bowls Development Alliance
The Bowls Development Alliance is a partnership organisation whose main aim is to make bowls accessible for all by putting it at the heart of the community. We aim to increase participation in bowls whilst ensuring the sport is inclusive and accessible for all. We work with indoor and outdoor flat green bowls, short mat bowls and crown green bowls – which equates to around 4,700 clubs.

Christian Funders' Forum
The Christian Funders’ Forum is a group of grant-making trusts and foundations. Our aim is to work effectively as a group to work towards the shared mission to live and share Christ’s love. We do this by providing peer support, learning from each other, sharing best practice and recognising and celebrating the work of our grantees.

Christians Against Poverty
With a vision to see transformed lives, thriving churches and an end to UK poverty, Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a national charity that equips churches to deliver a range of services in their local communities. These services include award-winning free debt help and community groups aimed at helping people to manage their money well, gain life skills and get back into work.
The ChurchWorks Commission helps churches and Christian organisations to collaborate with each other and the Government to catalyse partnership working around our key priorities: Wellbeing & Mental Health, Vulnerable Children and Families and The Cost of Living.

Community Managed Libraries National Peer Network
The Community Managed Libraries National Peer Network helps community managed libraries (CMLs) to run effectively and successfully by sharing ideas, learning, experiences and inspiration.
No one understands community managed libraries better than the people and communities who fought to retain their local libraries and related services their communities want and need. The Network is made up of such people! We are from the full spectrum of CMLs including independently funded to those who receive local authority support. Our primary members are trustees or people who work in community managed libraries but can also include those wishing to form a trust or community groups exploring the possibilities of CMLs.

Eden Project Communities
Eden Project Communities creates spaces for people to come together and explore the power of community to shape a brighter future for people and the planet. We support people to develop the skills and confidence to create positive change together in their neighbourhoods and communities, through activities including The Big Lunch, the Month of Community, online and local events, and our Community Camp Programme.

Edge Ministries
Edge Ministries run a wide variety of different projects, network churches and ministries from all streams and denominations together to develop and grow in areas of rural and urban poverty.

Evangelical Alliance
The Evangelical Alliance joins together hundreds of organisations, thousands of churches and tens of thousands of individuals to make Jesus known. Representing our members since 1846, the Evangelical Alliance is the oldest and largest evangelical unity movement in the UK. Untied in mission and voice, we exist to resource the local church, to speak up for justice and religious freedom and strengthen the work of the churches communities and throughout society.

Gather Movement
The Gather Movement are passionate about working together to improve places socially, culturally, environmentally and spiritually. They are involved in bringing the Christian community together in over 150 cities and towns as a network of networks to work alongside the wider community.
Good Practice Mentor Programme
The Good Practice Mentors offer funded training and support, and are looking forward to working with organisations who want to increase their engagement with older people. The partners have a wealth of experience, learning and resource to share from the 7 year national Ageing Better programme, and are also offering support around Winter Hubs and how to find the older people you would really like to welcome.

Intergenerational Music Making
Intergenerational Music Making is the pioneering, national not-for-profit organisation, delivering innovative programmes, training, campaigns & research. They work closely with care homes, schools, hospitals, communities and creatives, sharing their unique expertise and empowering groups to connect, develop and embed a culture of intergenerational music practice. Through their intergenerational workshops, music therapy, training and creative social hubs, they aim to improve the mental and physical wellbeing of the old and the young, tackle health inequalities, promote cross-sectorial relationships and in turn, build stronger, more cohesive communities. Activities and interactions are all founded on their organisational values of respect, creativity, integrity, empowerment, and enjoyment.

Jerusalem Trust
The Jerusalem Trust was founded in 1982 by Sir Timothy Sainsbury. It is one of 17 Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts. The Jerusalem Trust makes grants to Christian churches, organisations and projects. Among its priority areas are evangelism and mission, media, education, art and Christian mission and relief overseas. The trustees have a focus on national organisations that promote the Christian religion and advance Christian understanding, particularly those serving local communities and supporting young people.

Jo Cox Foundation
The Jo Cox Foundation makes meaningful change on issues that the late Jo Cox MP was passionate about. Like Jo, we believe that a kinder, fairer and more connected world is possible. Underpinning this belief is the understanding that we have more in common than that which divides us. One of the issues Jo was most passionate about was loneliness and we run the Great Winter Get Together each year to draw attention to and address this.'

Jubilee+ equips churches across the UK to change the lives of those in poverty in their communities. We aim to inspire and empower Christians to increasingly become mercy-bringers to those trapped in poverty, that they may become oaks of righteousness.

Kids Matter
Kids Matter have a vision to see every child in need raised in a strong family. They do this through reducing the impact of poverty on children through community-based parenting programmes. Improving the parent-child relationship has been shown by research to have the greatest influence on reducing the impact of poverty on children. Kids Matter partner with local churches to run their evidence informed parenting programmes for low income, low support families to equip parents and carers with the confidence, competence and community need to build strong families, thus enabling their children to thrive.

Kintsugi Hope
Kintsugi Hope is a charity based in the UK striving to make a difference to peoples mental wellbeing.'Kintsugi' (金継ぎ) is a Japanese technique for repairing pottery with seams of gold. The word means 'golden joinery' in Japanese. This repairs the brokenness in a way that makes the object more beautiful, and even more unique than it was prior to being broken. Instead of hiding the scars it makes a feature of them.
We want to see a world where mental and emotional health is understood and accepted, with safe and supportive communities for everyone to grow and flourish.
Libraries Connected
Libraries Connected is an independent charity that supports, promotes and represents public library services in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the Crown Dependencies. Our work builds on 20 years’ experience as the Society of Chief Librarians and today our audience extends beyond heads of public library services to all library workers.
Linking Lives
Linking Lives UK is a national Christian charity working to address loneliness and social isolation particularly among older people. They work with churches to set up befriending schemes in which volunteers visit or call those people in their community who are often housebound or have little contact with the outside world. They run an online volunteer training called ‘Good Conversations’ aimed at volunteers involved in engaging with people through a regular community café, drop-in centre or lunch club. They also run monthly webinars for individuals focusing on addressing loneliness in their day-to-day life.

Methodist Church
The Methodist Church is rooted in local communities around Britain. Methodist churches seek to be inclusive and justice-seeking, sharing the message that God’s love is for all people.

Muslim Council of Britain
The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) is the UK's largest and most diverse Muslim umbrella organisation with over 500 affiliated mosques, national, regional and local Muslim-led organisations, charities and schools.
NAVCA (National Association for Voluntary and Community Action)
NAVCA is a membership body for local infrastructure organisations. Our vision is that every local area has a thriving community and voluntary sector, and strong social action to drive justice and active citizenship. We work towards achieving this by supporting our members and amplifying their voices on a national level.

National Energy Action
National Energy Action (NEA) is the national fuel poverty and energy efficiency charity that has worked across England, Wales, and Northern Ireland for the last forty years, to ensure that everyone in the UK can afford to live in a warm, safe and healthy home. Everything we do, we do in partnership and through our work we advocate for those at risk of or experiencing fuel poverty through our work in policy, research, training and direct support to householders.

Near Neighbours
Near Neighbours brings people together in communities that are religiously and ethnically diverse, so that they can get to know each other better, build relationships of trust, and collaborate together on initiatives that improve the local community they live in.

Neighbourly is a free-to-use giving platform, currently used by over 30,000 community causes across the UK and Ireland, ranging from registered charities to schools, foodbanks, local community groups and CICs. Through partnerships with companies including Aldi, M&S, Sainsburys, Lidl, Samsung, B&Q, Virgin Media O2 and Danone, Neighbourly offers regular giving programmes throughout the year, so small charities and community causes can access corporate grants, volunteer programmes and surplus food donations.

Oasis works nationally and in local neighbourhoods to build stronger communities. We believe that strong communities are places where everyone is included and finds belonging and opportunity. Currently, we work alongside people in 40 neighbourhoods. We run schools, churches, housing projects, community hubs, youth work and family support services that are informed by the communities we’re a part of. We pioneer new approaches where existing systems fail and exclude. We build relationships, partnerships, and friendships that create ownership and belonging, so that everyone can thrive. Website:

Places of Welcome
Places of Welcome is a growing network of local community groups providing reliable places where all people feel safe to connect, belong and contribute.
Whatever the weather, everyone is offered an unconditional welcome, the benefits of mutual support and opportunities to grow in confidence and connection.

Purple Shoots
Purple Shoots tackles, poverty, unemployment and social isolation through encouraging entrepreneurship and self-reliance. We can work in warm spaces to create self-reliant groups where people can find a supportive network to tackle isolation and poverty and the courage and confidence to take positive steps forward in their lives.

Relationships Project
At The Relationships Project, we're on a mission to help build a better society by building better relationships. Through our work, we aim to help build understanding around relationship-centred practice, embed it in all corners of our lives, and connect those who share a belief in the importance of putting relationships first

Renew Wellbeing
Renew Wellbeing supports churches in setting up quiet safe spaces where it's okay not to be okay in partnership with local mental health services. Renew spaces are cafe style spaces where all our equalled and valued. They offer a place to connect and belong, to share hobbies, learn a new skill or simply enjoy a cup of tea or coffee. Each Renew space also has a quiet area for personal reflection and optional times of prayer for those who want to join in.
Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland
Rotary is one of the world's largest and most successful global membership and humanitarian service organisations, with 1.4 million members in over 200 countries. Rotary’s 34,000 members in over 1,500 clubs in Great Britain and Ireland are volunteering their time and talents to tackle challenges at home and abroad, whether that be growing local economies, supporting the environment, or fighting disease. Rotarians are People of Action, ready to turn ideas into lasting change, by creating opportunities, supporting those who need it most and transforming their lives.
Royal National Institute of Blind People
RNIB, the Royal National Institute of Blind People, is the UK's leading sight loss charity. We offer practical and emotional support to blind and partially sighted people, their families and carers. We raise awareness of the experiences of blind and partially sighted people and campaign for change to make our society more accessible for all. We want to change our world so there are no barriers to people with sight loss.

Stewardship connects and serves Christian givers, workers, charities and churches in the UK and beyond to steward their resources well and create impact for God’s Kingdom. Founded over a century ago by a small group of Christians who partnered to release generous gifts and financial support to Christian ministries, today, we help over 30,000 people experience the joy of being generous stewards, giving just under £110 million each year to over 6,000 charities, 4,000 churches and 2,300 Christian workers.

Theatres Trust
Theatres Trust is the national public advisory and advocacy body for theatres. We champion the future of live performance, by protecting and supporting excellent theatre buildings which meet the needs of their communities.
Together Coalition
The /together coalition is made up of large charities, community groups, private sector organisations, celebrities and media partners all working together to build kinder, closer and more connected communities.

Transforming Lives for Good
TLG is all about helping churches to bring hope and a future to children facing heart-breaking challenges. As a Christian charity, we're confident in the difference that churches of all shapes and sizes can make in their own communities. In every town, you’ll find church communities full of ordinary people ready to make an extraordinary difference. Alongside our network of partner churches, we are committed to reaching out to the most vulnerable children in the UK and seeing hope spread. With expertise in school exclusions, emotional wellbeing and food insecurity, and a crucial understanding of trauma-awareness underpinning all we do, we're seeing thousands of lives transformed for good every year!

UK Youth
UK Youth is a leading charity with a vision that all young people are equipped to thrive and empowered to contribute at every stage of their lives. With an open network of over 8,000 youth organisations and nation partners, we are focused on unlocking youth work as the catalyst of change that is needed now more than ever. For many young people their youth worker is the only person they openly talk to, and their youth organisation is the only safe space they have to be heard and to explore their character on their own terms.

United Reformed Church
The United Reformed Church is a family of Christians who meet in local congregations across England, Scotland and Wales. We are part of the worldwide family of Reformed Churches. The URC is a nonconformist denomination that is committed to working closely with churches of all traditions in prayer and social action.