“You go in there, you might be miserable and down, but you come out with a smile on your face.”
Support Us
We need to help Spaces give people a Warm Welcome.
With your support, we will all see thousands more smiles on faces across the UK. Your donation will help us to grow the network of Warm Welcome Spaces, so no one has to face poverty or isolation alone.

You’re welcome to contact us!
If you would like to talk to us about making a gift, please contact gifts@warmwelcome.uk
If you would like to talk about helping us through your business or organisation or you would like to become a supporting partner yourself, please do contact ellie.palmer@warmwelcome.uk

Across the UK, 7% of people experience chronic loneliness. And 14.4 million people live in poverty.
Loneliness can affect anyone. And poverty can compound loneliness. Connecting with a local Warm Welcome Space can help anyone struggling with loneliness or poverty.

The Warm Welcome Campaign wants everyone in the UK to find a place of belonging and reconnection at a Warm Welcome Space near their home.
We resource, connect and champion a network of more than 5,000 Warm Welcome Spaces. We’re working hard to reach everyone with the message that a Warm Welcome is waiting for them just around the corner, all through the year.
“It’s helped me cope with the hard times. Knowing other people are going through the same and having somewhere to meet with those people that’s both safe and warm and free has been a real big help and taken worry and stress out of stressful situations.
Knowing if I don’t have food there’s somewhere that I can get help from close to me is also a big relief.”

A Warm Welcome Space Guest

The power of community seen in
Warm Welcome Spaces
is phenomenal.
The key lesson from our Impact Evaluation was the deep impact Spaces made - what a difference these spaces make to people's lives.
Support the power of local Spaces to offer human warmth and a welcome made by and for the community.
We want to make sure that there is a Warm Welcome Space within walking distance open for everyone who needs it.
With support, we will all see thousands more smiles on faces. Please join us and give what you can.

Can you help us
put more smiles
on faces?